Thursday, January 24, 2008

Could protons be "reformed " anti-electrons

Could protons be "re-formed" anti-electrons?"

Yes. If at the moment of Creation, the "Big Bang," were formed both a vortex pair which became our universe and an "anti-universe;" and within this vortex pair were also created "mirror-image-vortex-particles" which we call "electrons and anti-electrons." The tiny vortex particles which were in our universe oriented with one spin direction would have a maximum velocity and a minimum "mass." These particles are "our" electrons. Their mirror-images would be decelerated to some minimum velocity and maximum "mass," becoming the proton. In the companion "Anti-universe" the little basic particles would respond in the same way except the spins would be reversed.

If this analysis be true, it would almost make one consider believing in "Intelligent Design." How simple and elegant can you get? Twin basic units with one transformed so that the two units can work together to form a multitude of different things rather than simply rejoining to their parent entity!

The ideas on which this is based come from the Motion in a Matrix Model wherein our existence is considered as the result of motions in a matrix. Considering of the relationship of Planck"s constant to angular momentum and the speed of light has led to the postulation of a "parent sized entity" having the dimensions in both centimeters and grans of (h/c)^0.5, which could be the "parent" or central entity, or "motion-association," in the matrix. Now this entity has the characteristics of a spherical oscillator and a spherical oscillator, under certain circumstances might be considered as something which could be considered as either halving at any instant two halves or being sever-able into two "vortex-entities" spinning in opposite directions.

What we are actually postulating in our "debate" argument above is that we are somehow riding the expansion phase of perhaps the largest member of a family of entities related to the (hl/c)^1/2 central "entity" and that within it are the remnants of other central entities which were split when this particular expansion phase started.

In other words we are in one side of a huge oscillator which is probably not split, which is populated by the split halves of many smaller oscillators. I'm sure that this explanation really did not add much to the debate argument; but it does serve several purposes. It does give some background for the conclusion that there probably do exist complementary; but, certainly far from identical universes, which may well cycle through some very long period. It gives a rationale for our conclusion that protons are "hidden anti-electrons," and that these are the building blocks of all the other units within this "universe."

Certainly, anti-electrons can be "hiding" in our universe, re-formed into the form of protons.

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